Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cant wait

Haley had spring break this week and got to go to Lubbock to visit her dad. I'm glad that she got to spend some time with him, but I'm so ready for her to get back home!! She left last Friday and is coming home tomorrow!! Yippee!!!! It's amazing how a week can seem so short sometimes and so long others. With both Haley and mom gone out of town, little Mr Noah has had my full attention. It's so sweet to wake up to him cooing, Haley is going to love it when he talks to her. I think this week has been good for Noah and me, but I'm beyond ready for Haley to come home!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Weaver family

Welcome to the world Lincoln!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Haley loves her brother!!

I took these pics last night before church and they turned out so great! These two kids really love each other. It is so sweet to watch Haley with Noah. She is such an amazing big sister and such an incredible helper too. I am so blessed to have such great and beautiful children!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dedication outfit


Grandma bought the most adorable little outfit for Noah for his dedication. They want to wait to dedicate him until the issues are resolved in my life so he wore his outfit to church on Sunday. He looked so precious that I had to make sure everyone got to see!

Friday, March 6, 2009

smiling baby?

So I figured that when Noah smiled at me on Monday that it was just a fluke, you know gas bubbles or something of that nature. Well last night Noah smiled at Grandma. Not just a little smile, but one that starts on the inside and comes out. It was so sweet and Grandma just about melted. So I'm guessing that Noah really did smile on Monday. It was right after he'd eaten and he had milk all over his chin. I laughed and asked him if his dinner was good and he smiled. Wow he's growing up so fast!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dr appt

So Noah had his one month check up today and the Dr said that he's doing great and for me to keep up the good work! He weighs 10lbs 8oz and is 22 1/4" long. I forgot to ask what percentile he is in, but he's doing really well. One of my friends bought an adorable little newborn outfit for Noah and he wore it today. Poor little guy probably felt like a little sausage. Noah's pretty excited about all the cute clothes that he gets to send with Grandma to his cousin Lincoln and we are all anxiously waiting to get to see the little guy. (When he's ready of course!!)

Monday, March 2, 2009

momma and Noah

So I realized that I really didn't have any pics of Noah and myself so Haley took some for me yesterday. He is getting so big it's hard to believe! Aunt Esther came over last night so I got some pics of them too.